2022 word of the year

For me, choosing a word of the year started in the early 2000s. Back then, it was more of a theme that usually revolved around my kids. I was a new mom, and having a focus was comforting for us all. I’d plan activities, choose library books, and cook meals around that theme. The year of JoJo’s Circus was a memorable one. We went to the circus, visited the lions at the zoo (almost weekly), and read books about circus life. As the kids got older, creating a theme no longer seemed practical, but I didn’t want to let go of the intentional thinking.

Someone told me about a Word of the Year. The idea of sending my intention into the world through a single word was right up my alley. Over the years, I’ve chosen many different words. Some to help me refocus and some to remind me to slow down. Here are some gems:  

  • discipline
  • renew
  • harmonious
  • evolve
  • persistent
  • rooted

This year, I have chosen the word grace. It's easy to extend grace to others when they need it; however, it’s not easy to give it to oneself (and we always need it). The last few years have been challenging for me, beyond COVID. My nest is changing at what feels like warp speed. My kids are taking flight and my role in their lives is changing in so many different ways. Both of my parents are gone, and retirement is a word used in dinner conversation. There are big feelings happening for us all and it’s a lot to process for a mama.

We all have expectations and hard things are hard. It’s time for that little voice, shouting from the back row, to pipe down.

I want to focus this year on showing up for me. So, in 2022, I will be exploring a few things, and to keep myself accountable, here’s my list:

  1. Learn how to redefine my own expectations, or just stop having them

  2. Slow down and stay in the moment, stop pushing through

  3. Establish healthy boundaries, so I can have healthy relationships

  4. The fourth and fifth try can be the charm, give myself a break

  5. Progress is better than perfection, even a small step is movement

New years are new opportunities with a side of potential. We’ve got a great year ahead of us and I’m hopeful that the light is bright in 2022.

Do you have a WOTY? for 2022, what would it be and why? 


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