Back to school success list

When August rolls around, I get this funny twinge in my belly. It’s that little reminder that the school year is approaching. This year, my youngest child will be entering his senior year. It’s bittersweet for us all. Having gone through this with my oldest son in 2021, I am less overwhelmed, but still, shocked my youngest is a senior.

Back to school is in full swing in many parts of the country, and the chaos of morning routines can be a lot for the household flow. Regardless of where you are in the process, you can make life easier by being organized. It can take the stress out of the household and perhaps make it an enjoyable time for you and your student! HINT: You can never be too prepared for school.  

Here’s a great punch list to get you started for your organized school year:

__ Check your school supply requirements. Depending on how your district navigates supplies, you might pay a fee or purchase supplies for your student. Make sure you check the supply list. Even if you pay a fee, and don’t need to shop for supplies, it’s a good idea to have some of the essentials at home. There is nothing worse than running to the store late at night for that last-minute need. Things like pencils, pens, paper, folders, colored pencils, and markers can save the stress during homework time.

__ Check your closets and see if everything fits.  The new school year is a great time to clear out the clothes that are too small, too worn, or just plain shabby! For the little ones, parents can probably inventory and update as needed; however, with the older kids, this is a good opportunity to have them do this on their own. It teaches them that maintenance is important… even in your wardrobe.

__ Meal plan for the first few weeks. This has always been a key strategy in my household. I’ve been meal planning since my kids were small. You can read more about that here. When I take time to plan family dinners, I naturally think about food prep needs for that week:

  • What the kids will eat for breakfast?

  • Do we have an adequate inventory of lunches?

__ Routines = happy students! Setting up routines, or daily habits, at home can give your students a solid structure, ensuring they get enough sleep and have plenty of time to get ready in the morning. Start your morning routines now! A consistent wake-up time and a balanced meal is a perfect way to start each day.

__ Planning ahead. This step often gets overlooked in the chaos of a new year. School calendars should be distributed to parents early in the year. Take the time to locate the school calendar and put all key dates in your schedule. It will make planning so much easier when you know what their schedule will be for the year.

Is there something you do during the back-to-school time that makes your life easier? I’d love to hear about it!


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